The company Christmas party

Hula hoops with flashing lights in them. Imagine if you will, A seizure patient in one of these. Wouldn't they rock at it. The thing wouldn't stop blinking...the seizure may continue longer...hula hoop champion. Then when they wakes up you can tell them of their victory. This is one of many things I realized this year at the company Christmas party. What else. Nine beers...still just maintaining a buzz...no reason to drink in bars...I'd go broke. Amongst others...that I will remember later.


Observations on "SyFy"'s Alice

I was just watching Alice on "SyFy". They have this scene where they are riding pink flamingoes that are like bike speeders...only gayer:) Wow.


In reference to Left 4 Dead 2

I think they should have a "Special Infected" zombie that is called Cutter. An emo zombie who rocks in a corner softly singing "All By Myself"


Quick Quote #1

I'm going to think this is funny later, so I might as well laugh at it now.


Introductions, first impressions, and other pointless crap.

I would just like to start by saying that I am writing this to give myself something to do and I enjoy writing...so here it is. My life as it stands now.

So it's the holidepressing season again. Time for all the happy people to shove it in our faces. Don't get me wrong, I am a positive person, but holidays just aren't the same anymore. Thanksgiving was pretty okay this year though. Had some good times, good food, good company, and the like. I stuffed myself full of so much food. I prepared by not eating at all that day. Then I stuffed the ol' face full. Yum yum. Today I worked it off. Tomorrow I will work off the rest of it.

Still got nine puppies I have to sell. Need the money to get home for Christmas time. I'm thinking it's going to be a decent Christmas. If what I have planned goes through it will be even better.

Also to Dink and Stoon, Congrats again. I can't wait to be a pseudo-uncle. Miss you guys.

Enjoy the journey